Germany Course 1

Germany Course 1
Basic (multiprofessional) training course for health care staff

PART l: 6 hours.

– Definition, prevalence and forms of domestic and sexual violence.
– Dynamic of IPV, risk factors and survivors support needs.
– Health consequences of IPV and importance of health care sector for intervening.
– Warning signs/ ‘Red flags’.

– S.I.G.N.A.L: Intervention steps and -sequence of steps.
– Pro-active asking about IPV and interviewing techniques.
– Importance of documenting for court.
– Further support, counselling, care and safety services available.

PART  2: 2,5 hours.
– Documentation.
– Assessment and diagnosis.
– Documentation for court purposes.
– Presentation of the S.I.G.N.A.L. documentation of injuries pro-forma.
– Legal and professional aspects.

Methods: Inputs, practice exercises using case examples, discussion.

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