Example 1 Tool 17



SIGNAL (Berlín, Germany) is an intervention programme based on internationally proven intervention models, such as RADAR7. It includes suggestions for actions to take and a list of measures for establishing an intervention programme within a hospital. The acronym is an easy to remember reminder of the important steps and goals that form the intervention programme:

S – Speak: with the patient and show that you are willing to listen. Women (and men) are inclined to speak more openly when they sense that their situation will be understood.

I – Interview: the woman (or man) by posing simple, concrete questions. Listen, without passing judgement. Most women find it difficult to talk about their experience with violence.

G – Gründlich: (thorough): examination of old and new injuries. Injuries in various stages of recovery can be an indication of domestic violence.

N – Note: and document all of the findings and information provided, so that they can be used in court.

A – Assess: the current need for protection. The protection and safety of patients is the goal of every intervention.

L – List: of emergency telephone numbers and support options should be offered. Women will make use of them when they feel the need.


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