Title: “Instability and diplopia. Chronic headache. Palpitations and chest pain. Tympanic haemorrhage. Cervical cancer. Depression”
Different presentations of the same health problem. On the subject of several cases.
There are few health problems that can by themselves be so rich in signs, symptoms and consequences as gender violence.
In the last 25 years the scientific literature leaves no doubt that this is a first order public health problem. Some data of it are:
• Estimated prevalence in our country (Ministry of Health – Spain 2011): 10.9%.
• It is cause of death and disability worldwide among women of reproductive age (16 to 44 years) at the same level as cancer, and generates greater morbidity than traffic accidents and malaria combined.
(World Development Report 1993 Investing In Health).
• In 1998 WHO declares it an international priority for the health services (1998).
• It is associated with many somatic symptoms and chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, chronic pain, rheumatic diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, ischemic heart disease, chest pain, recurrent neurological disease, repeated abortions, risk pregnancies with preterm delivery, newborn low weight birth, increased prevalence of invasive cervical cancer, anxiety and depression, among others. (The Lancet 2002, Arch Intern Med 2002, The Lancet 2004, The Lancet 2008, J Obstet Gynaecol 2008, Headache 2011.)
• Suicide risk increased up to 4 times in women who suffer it against those who do not. (The Lancet 2008).
• Estimates of attributable costs to this health issue regarding primary care consultations, specialized care, pharmaceutical expenditure, complementary tests and Emergency services in an Autonomous Community as Madrid, amounted to 27,264,897€ of annual cost (Technical Documents of Public Health. 2008. Madrid Health Service).
• Finally, WHO states that “No health service, no health practice, deserves excellent condition, if do not incorporate the attention of this priority health problem” (WHO, 2012)
But in addition to the above, not to think about this problem, not to investigate it in women attending the hospital, can lead to many mistaken diagnoses, unnecessary hospital stays, and inadequate or incomplete answers to their symptoms or problems, by not addressing the real cause of them.
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Abstract session. University Hospital Rio Hortega. Valladolid (SACYL)
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