It is recommended to provide guides and protocols into the training of recognised entities (international and national) and prestigious journal articles as:
o Campbell J. Health consequences of intimate partner violence. The Lancet. 2002; 359:1331-6
o Jewkes R. Intimate partner violence: causes and prevention. Lancet. 2002; 359:1423-9
o Golding JM. Intimate partner violence as a risk factor for mental disorders: a metaanalysis. J Fam Violence 2002; 14: 99-132
o WHO.Health care for women subject to intimate partner violence or sexual violence. A clinical handbook. Geneva. Switzerland. 2014. Available at www.who.int
o WHO. Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. WHO clinical and police guidelines. Geneva. Switzerland. 2014. Available at www.who.int
o ABC of Domestic and Sexual violence. Bewley S and Welch J (eds). BMJ Books Oxford. 2014. www.abcbookseries.com
● In different countries: Protocols and local guides.
▪ Common Protocol for action against violence against women 2012. http://www.msssi.gob.es/organizacion/sns/planCalidadSNS/pdf/equidad/
▪ Autonomous Community of Madrid Guide (CAM); action guide of Castilla y León government
▪ Instituto de la Mujer. Macroencuesta 2015. Violencia contra las mujeres.