1. Myths, prejudices and misinformation
– Minimisation of the problem:
❏ Ask about their experience
❏ Magnitude: facts and unquestionable official figures
❏ Solid bibliography
– Doubt about its seriousness as a health problem:
❏ Solid literature on health consequences, data
❏ Testimonials
– Lack of scientific evidence
❏ Relevant literature
❏ Documents and consensus of scientific organizations (WHO, Soc. Scientific, US Task Force, Canadian Task Force, PAPPS)
– False allegations:
❏ Facts and figures
❏ Documents, studies
– Prejudices (only affects people with low socioeconomic level, immigrants …):
❏ Facts and testimonies of people from any cultural level
❏ Studies of Prevalence in health care professionals
– Non-recognition of psychological abuse:
❏ Testimonies (films)
❏ Evidence from studies
❏ Suicides
Promoting empathy for the victims:
❏ Record testimonies
❏ Movies
Raising awareness after the information provided about their role to face the problem of IPV and SV using motivational interview
2. Now that we have a role as healthcare professionals in GV, how do you think we could help victims during consultation? Do you think the process is too complicated? Are you afraid of it? That’s why you’re here.
Promoting intrinsic motivation:
❏ Our role is very important (testimony of women) Just sharing the problem with a professional has a therapeutic effect.
❏ We are in a privileged place for the detection and care
❏ We can do what we consider ourselves trained for.
❏ We are not alone: we can share (peers, consultants). We can make referrals to other professionals. We have other resources.